1. General terms and conditions.
Presentation of the Website
The website of the restaurant identified in the transactions with the trademark “Giagia Koukou Athens” is the exclusive property of the limited partnership “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.”, which is known under the distinctive title ‘Giagia Koukou Athens’. The company is located at 4 Panagi Skouze Street, Athens, Attica and its registration (GEMI) number is 173305201000.
Telephone number for further communication: 2103245901
E-mail address: giagiakoukou.athens@gmail.com
Legal representatives and administrators of the company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.”: Mr. Tsatsanis Panagiotis, Mr. Vazouras Christos, Mr. Spiliopoulos Andreas, Mrs. Nazarian Ermine, Mr. Efstathiou Nikolaos.
Data controller: the limited partnership “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” under the distinctive title “Giagia Koukou Athens”, located at 4 Panagi Skouze Street, Athens, with the following registration (G.E.M.I.) number 173305201000.
General terms and conditions.
The use of the website implies the full acceptance by the user of the terms described in the relevant section. These terms may be modified or supplemented at any time by “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.”. Users of the website are invited to consult these general conditions regularly.
It is permitted to use the site only for lawful purposes.
It is forbidden for unauthorized third parties to interfere or modify the material on the page as well as to post or download material that is not intended for transmission to third parties.
The posting of illegal content by users of the website is prohibited, as is the use of the website for the transmission of viruses or dangerous links of any kind.
It is prohibited to use the signs of the company presented on the website that subject to the protection of industrial property law (distinctive title, trademark, domain name, distinctive titles of the company on social media, etc.).
Intellectual property and infringement of related rights.
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” has the exclusive ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights and the elements accessible on this website, in particular: the text, images, trade names, distinctive titles, registered and protected logos and trademarks, icons and software presented on this website. Other trademarks, logos, images appearing on the site belong to their owners and are used under the given permission of them to “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.”. They are equally protected by industrial property law and regulations.
Any infringement on our rights gives rise to a claim for removal and omission of the infringement as well as of compensation for the material and moral damage.
Limitations of Liability
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” does not provide any guarantee regarding the operation and/or content of the website and will not be held liable for any damages, direct or indirect, commercial or otherwise, arising from the use or the construction of this website.
No sensitive personal health data of users is stored/transferred/processed.
Data on underlying food allergies and contact details are temporarily stored with the users’ consent. The data are registered by the users for the purpose of making a reservation.
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” is not liable and obligated to compensate the users of the website in cases of violation and unlawful processing of personal data by third parties, especially in cases of cyber attacks or force majeure.
Hyperlinks and cookies
The website may offer links to other websites available on the internet.
However, the company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” is not responsible for any damage, of any nature, resulting from the content of these sites or external sources, and in particular from the information, products or services offered or any use of them.
The risks associated with this use are the sole responsibility of the user of the site, who must comply with the terms of use of the site.
In addition, browsing the website may cause cookies to be installed on the user’s computer. The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” takes care to inform the user of the website on the purpose of cookies, to obtain their explicit, positive consent and to provide it via a simple and understandable tool.
Any user of the website can object to the recording of cookies by adapting their browser. However, refusing to install cookies may result in the inability to access certain services offered on the website.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
Exclusive jurisdiction for disputes arising is granted to the courts of the company’s headquarters, i.e. the Courts of Athens and the applicable law will be the Greek law.
2. Privacy Policy
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” respects and ensures the safety of the personal data of its users. Our practices comply with the European Regulations and Directives for the protection of personal data and intellectual property rights on the Internet.
Below you will find all the necessary information to understand how the company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” collects, processes and protects your Data as part of the use of its services on its website.
1. How can you contact the company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” for any questions regarding your Personal Data?
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” attaches great importance to the respect of your rights and freedoms and the protection of your Data.
For any questions regarding your Data, the way and purpose of their processing and the time of their storage by the company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” the administrators and legal representatives will be pleased to answer any questions regarding your Data in the following email address: giagiakoukou.athens@gmail.com
2. Why does “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” collect your Data?
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” uses your Data to respond to requests for reservations or requests for information about the restaurant’s facilities.
3. What data are collected?
The data you provide to the company by filling in the contact form.
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” collects specifically your name, surname, address, telephone number, email address. The home address is collected only in cases of processing and sending orders or for billing needs.
In cases of providing your consent, by checking the relevant box in the form regarding collecting your data, the company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” will use your data to send you information about its products and service offers and its latest news.
If you have provided your consent and you have also activated the geographical location of your phone, tablet and computer, “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” will be able to highlight services or offer you offers tailored to your geographical location.
The information concerning the website visitor profiles is kept by “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” and are only used internally for the purpose of management of the reservation system.
Finally, the visitor who has expressly given their prior consent may receive via email commercial information concerning products or services of the restaurant.
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” does not collect:
– Health data, which are considered sensitive by the Greek laws and GDPR.
Data is also collected when you browse the website to identify your login terminal and provide access to the website functions. “Cookies” related to your experience and your preferences may be used in particular to personalize users experience and improve its services.
4. Who can access your Data?
The transmission/sale/transfer of your personal data to third parties is prohibited.
5. Where is your data?
Your data is stored on our system at our headquarters. It is not processed and transferred to a third country outside the European Union or to a country that does not present a level of protection considered by the European Commission as adequate.
6. For how long does “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” keep your Data stored?
In accordance with the Personal Data Act and the GDPR, the company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” limits the retention of your Data for a period of time not exceeding the time necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
7. What are your rights regarding your Data?
Within the limits and reservations provided by law, you have rights under Articles 15 to 20 of the GDPR. These rights are:
– The right of access to your data.
– The right to complete data that is inaccurate or incomplete.
– the right to request the deletion of data that no longer needs to be kept.
– the right to restrict the processing of your data if your data have been used.
– the right to be notified of updates to your data.
– the right to object on legitimate grounds to the processing of your data.
To exercise these rights, you must provide proof of your identity and request it by email to: giagiakoukou.athens@gmail.com
8. The company ” GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” protects your data.
In accordance to the Greek law and the GDPR, and taking into account the implementation costs, the nature, scope, context and purposes of the applicable processing, as well as the risks to your rights and freedoms, the company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee a level of security adapted to the applicable legislation and in particular to prevent the destruction, loss, alteration, or disclosure of your data.
The company “GIAGIA KOUKOU ATHENS L.P.” has tried to take all usual precautions to maintain the confidentiality and security of the personal data processed and to prevent their distortion or destruction by unauthorized third parties. Technical and organizational security measures have been adopted in accordance to the current state of the art, in particular with regard to information systems. However, the company cannot control all the risks associated with the operation of the Internet and draws the attention of visitors to the existence of possible risks inherent in the use and operation of the website.